Deacon Downunder reports that homophobes from Anglican Mainstream and Core Issues Trust are embarking upon a bus campaign to promote Ex-gay therapy. Both organisations recognise that
married men and women unhappy with their homosexuality – should be supported in developing their heterosexual potential and religious scientific homophobes state that
current scientific research says there is no gay gene and that sexuality is far more fluid than has hitherto been thought. This may explain why Canon Sugden occasionally appears looking like
this! However Anglican mainstream and Core Issues Trust were delivered a fatal blow when the London Transport Dept banned the
bus campaign.
I'm sure Canon Sugden could try this idea in his fight against women bishops
Canon Sugden has come to terms with her full sexual potential. As a role model for the older woman, she exhorts all lesbians to dye their hair pink, marry a nice man and acquire a pussy.