Thursday, December 4, 2014

Tony Abbott...why would I want even one cent of my tax go towards the training of ... a Sydney Anglican misogynist and homophobe...or a pedophile priest? I will have to be excluded on principle I have an aversion to...sexism...misogyny... homophobia... child molestation ...and hypocrisy!!!

Taxpayers would subsidise the training of priests and other religious workers at private colleges for the first time under the Abbott government's proposed higher education reforms

OMG...the federal government wants me ...and you... to reward ... misogynists... discriminatory homophobes... and child molesters using our money pay for their training? ...It's a bit like providing support to the they can reinforce their good family values!!!
Well Calam...Tony Abbott has got to get his Christian army together ...somehow... to fight atheists, feminists, GLBT people and muslims.

Oh you gotta luv Tony with his good Catholic background...encouraging  Mr Pyne to extend educational funding include those teaching prescriptive Christian ideology... on sexuality and marriage....I wonder if that includes ...signing up for the priesthood....having premarital sex .....getting a young woman pregnant...having the baby adopted out...and then creating... the biggest fiasco... in telling the world you found your illegitimate son ....30 years down the track...but it really wasn't your biological son at all...What a moron!...the man has a hide as thick as an elephant...I bet the ex-girlfriend and the pseudo son felt a tad embarrassed!  

Do you reckon ...atheists might get taxpayer funding too? Don't atheists get married ...just like ....Muslims...Christians ...and Scientologists....Perhaps Climate Science might soon become a religion......oops I is already!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Alan Jones explains how nature sympathised with Phillip Hughes' mourners ...when the sky lit up with lightning and the thunder roared. Alan said that nature was also protesting the death of such a fine young man.

It's nice that Alan Jones has spoken so kindly about young Phillip Hughes ...when I tuned in during the final 15 minutes ...on  4.12.14...but seriously...when did Alan Jones begin to believe in  pathetic fallacy.... or  quantum mechanics?

Say Bill...if Alan Jones believes that there is a direct connection between human emotion and nature...then why doesn't he believe in the possibility ...that humans have a direct impact on climate change?  
Because it's not cricket...Calam


All sounds a bit apocryphal...but who am I to comment?