Dr Jensen has delivered his last Christmas message as Archbishop. before he retires in mid-2013.
Jensen who is well known for promoting discrimination within the Sydney diocese and throughout the worldwide C of E says...Reconciliation has to flow out of love. The Bible says we should love our neighbours and that means seeking to live at peace with them and to fix up quarrels. Love unites us. Hatred separates us... Because of what God has done, Christmas is a great time to fix up the feuds and quarrels and hatreds which divide us. Are you going to follow God’s way this Christmas? Then be reconciled to him and be reconciled to your neighbours.

Yes but let's be clear about Peter Jensen's form of reconciliation. It's not based on unconditional love like that of Jesus... but on the principle of reconciliation being dependent on justice being done.
Gotta love Peter Jensen's take on Christianity...Bible in one hand and lawyer in the other!

Justice and reconciliation comes in many forms my lady... there's reconciliation :
1. In banishing you from the diocese because you believe in equality and the right to have a voice in your church
2. Silencing dialogue and debate about female equality and women's ordination
3. Calling you a heretic or emotionally disturbed... because you think you have the right to read the bible for yourself ...rather than be dictated to by pharisees who clain they are the only ones who understand God's word.
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