The reason that Dr Wesley Hill has been invited to because Sydney Anglicans and other conservatives ...are participating in an Anglican Future Conference, which is being held in Melbourne. The theme of the conference is Human Sexuality and Sexual Ethics... aka same sex attraction and same sex marriage. David Ould explains that if the Australian Anglican Church moves away from bigotry... then he and his Anglican Church League mates... will be .. ready to "swing into action". Ould says they are drawing a line in the sand ...the line being ...that the removal of discriminatory practices against SSA people is not on!
Although Dr Wesley Hill promotes celibacy for SSA people...he has posed some thoughtful ideas which completely undermine the foundations ...that the Sydney Anglican diocese has been built upon. Can Sydney Anglicans come to terms with:
1. the family not being the emphasis of church... having the policy that Sydney Anglican ministers have to be married males...with submissive wives ...and preferably have a lot of children?
2. singleness being just as important and valued... as marriage
Some more questions....
3. does that then mean that single males can head Sydney Anglican parishes ?
3. will single and married be the new "Equal but Different"?
4. will Matthias Media publish new materials about singlenss and marriage?
5. Will Phillip Jensen write sermons for Mothers Day about the value of not being a submissive wife and mother?
6. will Sydney Anglicans continue to discriminate against women not recognising their gifts and talents...outside of continuing to discriminate against their Godly right be viewed as equal within the church?
7. will parishoners accommodate SSA people ...into their lives as family members allowing them to stay in a caravan...instead of the as to help the SSA person... overcome the lonlinesss of not having a partner...and prejudice that s/he experiences?
8. is that why Dominic Steele invited Dr Wesley Hill to speak to his Dominic can learn how to love, value and accept SSA people ...after he was very unkind to a SSA parishoner ...who he asked to leave
9. Will Sydney Anglicans give Dr Wesley Hill a copy of their wonderful book about cured homosexuals... or are they too ashamed...
I notice that Liberty Christian Ministries has eradicated any evidence of Haydn Senitt...except for this...all reference to homosexuals being evil and like Gollum have been removed.
10. Will Dr Wesley Hill become the new Mark Driscoll of the Sydney Anglicans
11. Will Sydney Anglicans send out their advice on how to accept a SSA person into a Sydney Anglican parish ... As they say over on their
LCMI website ...about loving SSA family and friends...But if you choose to be open about your own doubts, fears, and uncertainties with your sexually broken friends, then that will advertise itself as powerful as anything else. Then when you’re talking with someone with homosexuality (or anyone else for that matter) it isn’t as scary and you will be a more attractive person to be around. However, acting like you have it all together is not only untrue but it will put people off wanting to come to Christ and will likely to cause the person to worship you instead of Jesus.
There are a few liberal parishes that accept SSA people and they never get a mention on the Sydney Anglican website... Those Anglican Church League members are bizarre...or are they just horsing around?
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