Phillip Jensen writes...Christmas is the high point of Cultural Christianity. It creates joy and confusion; joy to our culture and confusion to Christians...
Indeed, Cultural Christianity lies at the basis of Australian civil life. .
However, there is such a thing as Christian Christianity – it’s not just a matter of interpretation. Christianity is based in the reality of the Son of God: his incarnation, words and works, crucifixion and resurrection, and promise to return to judge. All this may be false or it may be true – but either way Christian Christianity is committed to the belief and propagation of these ideas.
Cultural Christians don’t have to believe in Jesus to sing carols any more than they have to believe in Santa Clause to sing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Christian Christianity is quite different. Christians do believe in Jesus and do know the difference between the historical reality of Jesus and the mythical nonsense of Santa and the reindeer.
Christian Christians can appeal to Cultural Christians to put Christ back into Christmas but it will not make any real difference, they will still be Cultural Christians. However, Christian Christians cannot put Christ back into Christmas because without him they have no Christmas.
Did you get that Bill... Phillip says Christianity is really about being a believer in something that could be false...yet he'll denigrate those who call themselves Christians for believing in the humanity and compassion displayed by Jesus' know...his tolerance and love of mankind...and his elevation of women and (what some branded as) sinners the eyes of God.
Uggghhhh....I just had an ugly thought....what if Jesus Christ had been someone like Phillip Jensen...stripped of love and compassion for women and gays... only valuing women who behaved the way he wanted them to... allowing them a voice only amongst their own gender....always subservient to a male no matter how mean and nasty and stupid he is...imagine if Jesus had called same-sex attracted people shameful and had remained silent when members of his faith supported a death penalty to be imposed...someone who promoted discrimination and segregation...someone who ended, and encouraged others to end fellowship with a same-sex attracted person because he chose love and companionship and God... Calam the concept makes you recoil with repulsion....a mean spirited, rule driven, spiritual Jesus (that in itself is bizarre)... who to this day ...uses his word protect the economic and cultural collateral of angry straight males...and those who gain secondary benefits... And maybe ....that's why many people... do choose to be Cultural Christians.
Indeed, Cultural Christianity lies at the basis of Australian civil life. .
However, there is such a thing as Christian Christianity – it’s not just a matter of interpretation. Christianity is based in the reality of the Son of God: his incarnation, words and works, crucifixion and resurrection, and promise to return to judge. All this may be false or it may be true – but either way Christian Christianity is committed to the belief and propagation of these ideas.
Cultural Christians don’t have to believe in Jesus to sing carols any more than they have to believe in Santa Clause to sing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Christian Christianity is quite different. Christians do believe in Jesus and do know the difference between the historical reality of Jesus and the mythical nonsense of Santa and the reindeer.
Christian Christians can appeal to Cultural Christians to put Christ back into Christmas but it will not make any real difference, they will still be Cultural Christians. However, Christian Christians cannot put Christ back into Christmas because without him they have no Christmas.

Uggghhhh....I just had an ugly thought....what if Jesus Christ had been someone like Phillip Jensen...stripped of love and compassion for women and gays... only valuing women who behaved the way he wanted them to... allowing them a voice only amongst their own gender....always subservient to a male no matter how mean and nasty and stupid he is...imagine if Jesus had called same-sex attracted people shameful and had remained silent when members of his faith supported a death penalty to be imposed...someone who promoted discrimination and segregation...someone who ended, and encouraged others to end fellowship with a same-sex attracted person because he chose love and companionship and God... Calam the concept makes you recoil with repulsion....a mean spirited, rule driven, spiritual Jesus (that in itself is bizarre)... who to this day ...uses his word protect the economic and cultural collateral of angry straight males...and those who gain secondary benefits... And maybe ....that's why many people... do choose to be Cultural Christians.
From wiki:
"The idea in the text that Adam had a wife prior to Eve may have developed from an interpretation of the Book of Genesis and its dual creation accounts; while Genesis 2:22 describes God's creation of Eve from Adam's rib, an earlier passage, 1:27, already indicates that a woman had been made: "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."
"The Alphabet text places Lilith's creation after God's words in Genesis 2:18 that "it is not good for man to be alone"; in this text God forms Lilith out of the clay from which he made Adam but she and Adam bicker. Lilith claims that since she and Adam were created in the same way they were equal and she refuses to submit to him:[57]
"The background and purpose of The Alphabet of Ben-Sira is unclear. It is a collection of stories about heroes of the Bible and Talmud, it may have been a collection of folk-tales, a refutation of Christian, Karaite, or other separatist movements; its content seems so offensive to contemporary Jews that it was even suggested that it could be an anti-Jewish satire,[58] although, in any case, the text was accepted by the Jewish mystics of medieval Germany."
But here you go; a real life running dog collaborator Eve on RN this morning - of course on the Tom Switzer program - a dinosaur woman who must be Miranda Divines' heroine and source of her wisdom.
Christina Hoff Sommers says, "But some commentators warn that today’s modern feminism is a corruption of what feminism should be; that feminism is no longer about freedom, it’s just a lobby group for pet grievances. That it's not so much about emancipation; it’s now reactionary."
But she is in favour of lezzies, listen and weep.
It would appear that nowadays the Liberals have two Saviours in their pantheon, God and Coal.
The question however is how do the creationists among them explain the formation of coal. Thanks to the intertubes we can wonder no longer;
A delightful piece of tosh evidently written by a real geologist.
Maybe if we offered to wear labels that would resolve the issue? A dress? HIgh heels? I'd do almost anything to marry my partner of 20 years; I'd even be prepared to identify as the submissive one - at least in public.