If only wine makers in the Hunter Valley knew my recipe...then binge drinking would be a thing of the past. |
Now everyone knows "the fall" is responsible for Australia's love affair with alcoholism... and it's got nothing to do with advertising... it's all about Adam and Eve disobeying God in the Garden of Eden...God got so p***ed off that he took out a patent on his alcoholic apple cider...and never again would man enjoy alcohol without being susceptible to the possibility of degradation through alcoholism...but wait there is hope ...Christians like Sydney Anglican, Phillip Jensen...can help you experience the best wine...and all you have to do is ...you join the Diocese of Mordor... and bring with you... your misogyny, homophobia and intolerance for all those who do not embrace Mordorism.
Gee Ennis...that proves Sydney Anglicans are the only ones who know God...I mean who else would He give His wine recipe to...for God's sake?