Fundamentalist Anglican priest, David Ould, who vehemently opposes same-sex marriage
shacks up for 10 days with an engaged gay couple. David who refers to himself as
all over the net, will do anything to get publicity.
Ould says he doesn’t hate gay people or wish to see homosexuality become illegal, but he doesn’t want gay people to be able to marry.
Storer who is featured in the program states... “But by the very fact that he stands up in church in front of his congregation — with us there in the church — and preaches to us that homosexuality is detestable, young people sitting there in his congregation hear that and this young person’s parents are going hallelujah and amen as a way of acknowledging that what he’s saying is right, that’s forcing your faith onto other people.”
Does he think Ould is inciting hate? “I don’t know that you’d go as far to say that he’s inciting hate. I don’t think that’s his intention. I think what’s missing in David’s thinking is he doesn’t recognise that the potential to cause harm to others is there.”
David....did I hear you say that you don't want to see homosexuality made illegal...Son I misread you...your silence regarding gay Ugandans was, and still is, deafening!
Say Bill...I don't think that gay couple were Christians...and they understood the profoundly damaging effects that preachers like Ould can have on gays... and of course the discriminatory attitudes that can arise in others.
Yes Calam...but if they had of wanted to see David Ould sleeping with the enemy ...then seriously...they should have shacked him up with liberal Anglicans who believe in then you'd witness spite and malice.