"Unless Christians acted now to defend the church and the true Gospel, liberal forces that preached a false Gospel would prevail within 10 years, the Anglican Archbishop of Sydney and General Secretary of the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans (FCA) said in Port Elizabeth yesterday."

Jensen continues...
“Do not think that Africa is immune to the threat,” he said. The liberals in the Anglican Communion, were condoning and promoting a homosexual lifestyle that was once unthinkable in the Western church. But now, as the liberal viewpoint gained ground it was becoming more and more difficult in those societies for people to take a stand against it.
Jensen does not know the meaning of "Love". I see he is off globe trotting again. From my reading of the gospels I cannot see any mention of homosexuality, let alone it being the "heart of the gospel". My bishop, the Bishop of Dunedin, pointed out that usury is far more mentioned in the Bible than homosexuality yet we know the trouble usury caused the Diocese of Sydney.