No Calam...Julia is one of those material athesists that Phillip Jensen is always going on about...and no ...that's an anti-carbon tax rally...Sydney Anglicans are about heretics.... so they wouldn't use the phrase Bob Brown's bitch...I think Satan bitch ...would be more in keeping with their teachings.
THE OTHERSIDE OF THE VOLCANO - Chapter 27: Our side of the " Fuego"
volcano, is safe and we are thankful and bursting with the joy of life! The
traditions continue with gratitude and celebration!
*Good morning from the foot of the Volcan de Fuego, Sacatepequez,
Guatemala. It's a gorgeous morning in Guatemala and the citizens of my
little town ar...
6 years ago
For years, Dobby Ould was the Jensen Family bitch. That's why they sent him to a parish no one else wanted. David Ould is a slippery character who defames countless sincere Christians, but squeals when anyone dares criticise his own bigotry and nastiness. The man is a bitch. Pure and simple.