Wednesday, July 25, 2012

David Ould questions the intent behind smh publishing an article about tolerant parents...but does not question the federal opposition's reason for withholding a conscience vote on same-sex marriage.

David Ould has questioned the integrity of the smh's timing around the publishing of an article called Parents without Prejudice. This article discusses the shame that Geoff Thomas feels about his behaviour towards same-sex attracted people, prior to his son disclosing to him that he was gay. The article says that... GEOFF THOMAS still feels ashamed. Of using the word ”poofter”, of inheriting the homophobic views of his father without questioning them, and of the way this affected his own gay son.
David Ould questions the timing of this story, saying ... After all, the story of Geoff and Nathan Thomas isn’t a new one, although you wouldn’t know that to read the article...So why resurrect this now? Well because at some point in the next few months we’ll have a vote on this topic in Federal Parliament and there is every indication that it will be lost by the pro-”gay marriage” side since the opposition are not allowing a conscience vote and there’s enough on the government benches who also oppose the motion for it to fail. So between now and then those lobbying for the change, not least the smh, have to pull every trick out of the hat that they have. And that involves some deliberate straw-manning.

Say Sibyl... David Ould said that he had discussions with Geoff's son, Nathan, around the issue of same-sex marriage. I wonder if he might like to talk to the parents of gay adolescents who suicide, especially parents of youth who are raised in conservative rural areas, pride themselves on being Mr and Mrs and hold the religious ideology of clergy as absolute.  

Well Calam... that question is very pertinent because Sydney Anglicans have just posted two articles on suicide. One implies that the suicide rates are higher than reported and the other talks about acknowledging the death as a suicide and the questions loved ones ask after someone suicides. Sydney Anglican, Michael Kellahan, says...  "Where the family knows it is a suicide I’ve encouraged them to let me say this at the funeral and not to keep it hidden. I’ve found these four questions arise: why did it happen? is this my fault? is it wrong to feel angry? and is forgiveness possible?"

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