Praise God for generous donors! Liberty Christian Ministries reached the end of the financial year with a deficit of only $22,840. Our expenditure was $83,509 and our income was $61,669, an increase of about $20,000 on the previous year. Many thanks to churches and individuals who supported us in this period.
The deficit is covered by drawing on our savings, but we can only do that for one more year and then the account will be empty! Are there generous friends who could help us pay for the deficit and start the new financial year with our savings account restored?
Our budget for 2012-13 includes a modest increase for wages and other employment expenses and so we are expecting to spend about $90,470. We will need an increase of about $30,000 to cover our costs.
Pray that God might stir many more to give sacrificially to this ministry and please consider whether you or your church could increase your giving in 2012-13. The most helpful way to do that is by regular payments into our Commonwealth Bank account number 1006 3361 (BSB: 062 257).
Bill don't you love the way these evangelicals pull out a passage for every occasion...."This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God" (2 Cor. 9:12)... but I suppose it's better than saying...
Ooooh Calam...hasn't Moore College's, David Petersen, been busy at LCMI ...ever since Alan Chambers denounced the effectiveness of sexual reoriention programs. I hear the Sydney Anglicans are orchestrating for LCMI to co-ordinate the ex-gay ministries in Sydney and implement homophobic resources within schools!
THE OTHERSIDE OF THE VOLCANO - Chapter 27: Our side of the " Fuego"
volcano, is safe and we are thankful and bursting with the joy of life! The
traditions continue with gratitude and celebration!
*Good morning from the foot of the Volcan de Fuego, Sacatepequez,
Guatemala. It's a gorgeous morning in Guatemala and the citizens of my
little town ar...
6 years ago
Reading the link to Liberty on your article I noticed little Haydn's throwaway line "July had me speaking at my former Bible College, the Wesley Institute." Does this mean the world's leading expert in human sexuality has dropped out?? Or is 1 year's study all someone as brilliant as our boy needs in order qualify as officially knowing everything there is to know about theology, scripture, and ministry?
ReplyDeleteRev Dr ...How long does it take to learn that Jesus invented women to free post-gays from homosexuality?