Changing Attitude Australia thanks Bishop John for his courage and leadership at a time when some in the church are looking to squeeze and shut down debate on LGBT issues and asks that people make Bishop John's address available in local parishes, as a way of showing both supporters and detractors alike that there is a new and bold way of doing church based on scripture, based on good ecclesiology, and based on the love of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
THE OTHERSIDE OF THE VOLCANO - Chapter 27: Our side of the " Fuego"
volcano, is safe and we are thankful and bursting with the joy of life! The
traditions continue with gratitude and celebration!
*Good morning from the foot of the Volcan de Fuego, Sacatepequez,
Guatemala. It's a gorgeous morning in Guatemala and the citizens of my
little town ar...
6 years ago
Wicked Mr McIntyre has been roundly condemned throughout the whole world. Firstly, by me on my blog. Secondly, by me at STAND FIRM. And finally by the Jensens in the Diocese of Mordor. This universal disapproval shows how 99.9% of Anglicans don't support me.