Sydney Anglican and Moore College lecturer, David Peterson, is appealing for money to fund future 'pray away the gay' programs at Liberty Christian Ministries inc. David writes...
Dear Liberty friends and supporters,
The Liberty committee is grateful to God for the progress we have seen in our ministry over the last year. Our appeal for more financial support at the end of 2010 yielded sufficient income for us to be able to employ a Pastoral Worker once more. Haydn Sennitt began working for us in June and has already made a significant contribution, ministering to individuals, speaking in churches and other Christian groups, and developing the website.
After six months of employing Haydn for three days per week and an office manager (now Katrina) for one day per week, we know that our annual expenses will be in the region of $80,000. We have exciting ideas about expanding the ministry, but cannot do so until we meet our present budget and obtain more support.Our present income from individuals and churches is only half of what we need. Our goal for 2012 must be to increase that income by about $40,000. Can you help us with this? Are you giving regularly to Liberty? Could you increase your donations? Could you ask some Christian friends to support Liberty? Does your church support our ministry? Could you approach your church leaders on our behalf and ask for a regular donation?
For details of how to give, please contact the office or see information below regarding donations.
Thank you,
David Peterson - Committee Chairman.
Liberty Christian Ministries Incorporated has an account at the Commonwealth Bank, BSB 062 257, account number 1006 3361.
PS – contributions from those living outside Australians are also welcome!

Hey Jake...Did you know that Haydn Sennit reckons "The Kings Speech" is a good therapy model for overcoming same-sex orientation AND stuttering?
W.w.what a shame H.h.haydn is still a s.s.stuttering gay.