Remarriage after divorce is problematic for Sydney Anglicans. The Sydney position remains unchanged from what it was in 1918: "a member of the clergy may conduct the marriage of a divorced person (whose spouse is living) only where the former marriage is dissolved due to the infidelity of the other partner..."
Sydney clergy must not be married to divorcees, and rectors in particular are requested to be a married men... possibly because of an underlying fear that singleness might mask an unacceptable sexual identity or that a man might fall prey to sexual temptation.

And I do all of Lisa Nolland's investigative work!
At the wonderful church I attended for 3 years in Sydney (obviously not a Jensenite church) there is an excellent assistant priest. He acted as rector for about a year during a recent interregnum. He is a good family man. Even the bishop commented on how he would make a good rector. However his great impediment is thathe married a divorcee. I give up at the stupidity of the narrow minded zealots in Sydney.