Michael Kellahan speaks about the predominantly older white synod representatives, who do not reflect the diversity of the Sydney Diocese. He writes ...
Peter Lin spoke at the ACL Dinner about the need to not just ‘go to them so that they can be like us’ but instead to ‘change what we do in order to reach them.’ I hope the ACL are able to post his talk soon. It deserves the widest possible hearing. With great humour he pointed out how strange it was that Anglos were happy to have Chinese dentists accountants and doctors - but still seemed uneasy about having Chinese Senior Ministers. We trust them to cure our diseases - why not our souls? We laughed as we recognised our hypocrisy. He has a point. Where are the Chinese Senior Ministers of large congregations in Sydney?
They're in the same place as all the women and gay ministers... ACL political correctness is skin deep due to the abolition of slavery! Michael your article could read as...ACL members were happy to have women or gay dentists, accountants, judges, politicians, lawyers and doctors - but still seemed uneasy about having women or LGBT Ministers. We trust women and LGBT people to cure our diseases, run our country, make decisions about law - why not our souls? Where are the women and LGBT Ministers of congregations in Sydney?
Are you kidding Whoopi... these ACL boys would only go to heterosexual male evangelical dentists, doctors, accountants and lawyers; stall until they got a judge committed to Knox's brand of Calvinism... to hear their case; and vote for politicians who stand for the exclusion of equal rights for all.
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