Mayor Dowell said she had spoken to Madden on the phone following protests which forced local police to impound a truck featuring anti-gay signage which warns of the dangers of same-sex marriage to children and displays a grown man embracing a young male child.
Dowell said... I told him he was not welcome with his message in Lismore...I don’t condone the graffiti attack on the truck, but I do fully support the protest and understand the community does feel vilified by those messages...There is no place for anti-gay sentiment here. I understand there are a range of views on same-sex marriage and I support people expressing their views, but to suggest that if same-sex marriage is legalised children will not be safe, is just offensive.
One Local resident said of the offensive truck...I can’t believe it’s allowed on the road...If there was a truck with racist or sexist slogans, people would be up in arms....Why is it I have to wake up on a Sunday morning and see hate parked outside my door?

Yeah you'd reckon so...but Ennis what is it with ex-sex addicts and their need to save people who aren't sex addicts?
I am buying a truck immediately to take it on a world tour. Starting in Gippsland.