Keith Mascord has written a book called
A Restless Faith: Leaving fundamentalism in a quest for God, and the book
offers a gentle and appreciative critique of the fundamentalism and evangelicalism of his own Christian heritage. It tells the story of Keith’s happy nurturing in North American fundamentalism, and of his relentless and cumulative questioning of its assumptions and beliefs. Keith taught for 15 years at Moore Theological College, and while there completed Masters and Doctoral degrees. These studies precipitated a re-think of his faith, as well as the discovery of new (and old) ways of reading and appropriating the Christian Scriptures.
In 2007, Keith wrote an
Open Letter calling for reform in the Anglican Diocese of Sydney. The letter generated 137,000 words of response, overwhelmingly supportive of the letter’s call for a more loving, humble and open diocese. The book offers a challenge to the ‘hard evangelicalism’ that has come to ascendency in Sydney, while plotting a gentler and less defensive approach to issues currently engaging the church, including the role of women, homosexuality, atheism, hell, and inter-religious dialogue. Rev’d Stuart Robinson, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn described Mascord’s book as ‘a personal cry for a more gracious Church. The book will be launched by
Rt Rev’d John McIntyre, Anglican Bishop of Gippsland... at 4pm Sunday, May 27, gleebooks, 49 Glebe Point Rd, Glebe