What do Russell Powell, Dominic Steele, Kel Richards and Karin Sowada think of urban students being exposed to shooting as part of the school curriculum?
Well Sydney Anglicans don't really mind if Intelligent Design is taught; they encourage victimisation of LGBT people; they teach female submission; and align themselves with third world thinking... so shooting should fit in well with the Sydney Anglican curriculum!
If Jesus is cool with shooting then what about knife throwing?
Hey Kel is Gumtree Gully safe if teenagers are armed?
THE OTHERSIDE OF THE VOLCANO - Chapter 27: Our side of the " Fuego"
volcano, is safe and we are thankful and bursting with the joy of life! The
traditions continue with gratitude and celebration!
*Good morning from the foot of the Volcan de Fuego, Sacatepequez,
Guatemala. It's a gorgeous morning in Guatemala and the citizens of my
little town ar...
6 years ago
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