Anglican Mainstream advertises a new book and conference called The Lepers among us : Homosexualality and the Life of the Church, and it is coming to Belfast and London in January. The book launch is brought to you by Core Issues Trust, where co director and sexpert Lisa Nolland teams up with the extremely bigoted committeeman, Chris Sugden.
So that the conference where bible believing evangelicals pray that our dicks fall off?
I dunno Jake...with Lisa there, them biblebelievers might pray for our horses... and that's going to take a mountain of prayers...but some say these evangelicals are so holy that they can move mountains!
THE OTHERSIDE OF THE VOLCANO - Chapter 27: Our side of the " Fuego"
volcano, is safe and we are thankful and bursting with the joy of life! The
traditions continue with gratitude and celebration!
*Good morning from the foot of the Volcan de Fuego, Sacatepequez,
Guatemala. It's a gorgeous morning in Guatemala and the citizens of my
little town ar...
6 years ago
Canon Sugden's brain dropped off years ago.