Lesbians and gays (our sons and daughters) lives and wellbeing will be affected by the outcome and I urge you to encourage other MPs to lobby Mr Abbott about permitting a conscience vote, regardless of whether you favour equality or not. It’s about democracy.
While those in the Liberal Party are censored, the sister of Foreign Affairs Minister Kevin Rudd has quit the Labor Party over its change of platform in favour of same-sex marriage. Loree said...The whole concept of equality comes from the Bible, from the sacred scriptures. All people are equal before God, but not all relationships, she said. Not being gay, Loree who is an expert on the matter of same-sex attraction and same - sex marriage in secular society, said... If the benefit was that homosexual couples knew more joy, it would be worth the trade-off. But I don’t think they will experience more joy.
Meanwhile Federal Finance Minister Penny Wong and her partner Sophie Allouache are both in, and have just welcomed a baby girl,Alexandra, who couldn't give a rat's who is in or out, or who's for or against because she's here and she's loved.

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