Mark Christopher James Craddock, a member of the Exclusive Brethren Christian sect, prescribed the anti-androgen therapy cyproterone acetate (Cyprostat) during a 10-minute consultation in February 2008.
The patient, who was a member of the same sect, had been referred to Dr Craddock, 75, by a church leader after he declared he was gay.
In a letter of complaint to the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission, the patient stated that the leader told him "there's medication you can go on".
Dr Craddock wrote him a prescription for Cyprostat with five repeats.
Four months later, the doctor admitted to the NSW Medical Council's professional standards committee that he did not ask for the patient's medical history, conduct a physical exam nor arrange a second appointment.
Nor did he refer the teen to a psychologist, despite the drug manufacturer's recommendations, or discuss the drug's side effects, which include impotence.
Dr Craddock, 75, later admitted to the committee it was dangerous to prescribe so much Cyprostat unsupervised.
Last month the committee found him guilty of unsatisfactory professional conduct.

I'm sure steering clear of those Exclusive Brethren...Listen do Sydney Anglicans recommend chemical castration too?
No Ennis...I think they recommend "mail order "brides and arranged marriages as their cure. Didn't you hear that Sydney Anglican, Haydn Sennitt was the key speaker at the Asia Exodus Conference in Melbourne...and everyone was so impressed with his life story? Sydney Anglicans have got plenty of women floating around...they grow them to serve men.
What the story where Jesus encourages Haydn to give up his 100 homosexual lovers because his Sydney Anglican Church wanted to expel him...and so Jesus told him to ask his friend to introduce him to his non-English speaking sister who lived in Singapore ...so he could get married? Well I suppose it another way of tackling the surrogacy problems that homosexual couples face! So now all these young men with unwanted same-sex attraction can pray to Jesus for a niave wife.
Oh come on fellas...after all it was the Asia Exodus conference! It's a real shame Haydn's not into weight loss... cause Jenny Craig is looking for a new ambassador... since I fell off the weight loss 'band wagon'. It's so easy to stay on it while you are getting all the attention but it sure is hard to maintain!
The patient, who was a member of the same sect, had been referred to Dr Craddock, 75, by a church leader after he declared he was gay.
In a letter of complaint to the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission, the patient stated that the leader told him "there's medication you can go on".
Dr Craddock wrote him a prescription for Cyprostat with five repeats.
Four months later, the doctor admitted to the NSW Medical Council's professional standards committee that he did not ask for the patient's medical history, conduct a physical exam nor arrange a second appointment.
Nor did he refer the teen to a psychologist, despite the drug manufacturer's recommendations, or discuss the drug's side effects, which include impotence.
Dr Craddock, 75, later admitted to the committee it was dangerous to prescribe so much Cyprostat unsupervised.
Last month the committee found him guilty of unsatisfactory professional conduct.

I'm sure steering clear of those Exclusive Brethren...Listen do Sydney Anglicans recommend chemical castration too?
No Ennis...I think they recommend "mail order "brides and arranged marriages as their cure. Didn't you hear that Sydney Anglican, Haydn Sennitt was the key speaker at the Asia Exodus Conference in Melbourne...and everyone was so impressed with his life story? Sydney Anglicans have got plenty of women floating around...they grow them to serve men.

Haydn should consult Dr Craddock immediately! A few pills can cure his terrible illness and are far cheaper than a subservient wife from Singapore.
ReplyDeleteSo... little Haydn writes a report on a conference at which he spoke: he mentions no other speaker than himself, he tells us that he subsequently shared his his "testimony" to an enthralled audience, that recordings of his oratorial masterpiece will soon be available for purchase, that his presentation "was very worthwhile", and that not only were those attending greatly impressed, but that he was himself impressed by the degree to which they valued his insight. And his topic?
Honestly - you couldn't invent a scenario that ironic. That he then chose to accompany his shameless self-promotion with a gloriously homoerotic illustration just adds to the wonder of that boy's hilarious lack of self-perception. Haydn Sennitt can be assured of a truly great 15 minutes of fame within the ex-gay movement. Already his contribution can only be described as "timeless".