David Ould wrote a letter to Loveable complaining that by using Jennifer Hawkins to promote Loveable underwear in commercials, that it communicates:
1. to his wife, that her body is not good enough
2. to his daughter the very same message.
3 to men like David, an unrealistic view of women, and creates a false expectation for he and his like minded male friends.
David concludes that the "health and stability in a relationship is grounded in acceptance of one another as we are" ...so for couples to see Jennifer Hawkins in Loveable underwear, drives a wedge right into the middle of their relationship. That's because Jennifer might make women doubt themselves and, even worse, make men expect something that looks more like Barbie than any real woman.
Yet David, and Sydney Anglicans like him, are supportive of Sydney Anglican Complementarian women, who work for the Sydney Anglican diocese, and promote Matthias Media / Equip Ministry resources, aimed at keeping women subservient to men, within the home, workplace and church. How can real women be forced to compare themselves with the perfection of a Sydney Anglican Complementarian wives and single woman? These women communicate:
1. to normal women, that if they do not believe in subservience in marriage, in the workplace, or in church, then they are not good enough, and possibly heretics
2. to daughters of Sydney Anglicans, the same thing
3. to men like David, an unrealistic view of women, and creates a false expectation for he and his like minded male friends.
And as David says..."health and stability in a relationship is grounded in acceptance of one another as we are " ...and Sydney Anglican women, working to promote female submission, and promoting Matthias Media/Equip Ministries resources, make women doubt themselves ...and even worse, make men expect something that looks and behaves more like Stepford wife, than any real woman.

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