Haydn goes onto write... Many Christian folk that I know have surprisingly been ropable about what Wallace and Jensen have said, though I cannot see in many ways why it was so offensive. Neither were being homophobic, though the former could have chosen his words better and presented certifiable research in a more loving context rather. However, as Jensen very rightly and clamly said on Q and A, that such matters need to be considered respectfully and calmly to have a sensible, level-headed debate. Why? Because one of the core assumptions behind the gay community’s demand for marriage and the right to children is that their lifestyle is as safe and wholesome as heterosexual ones. The research suggests the opposite, and that’s not because society is unaccepting and ‘homophobic’ but because it is intrinsically unhealthy. (And it is just as unhealthy as a heterosexual couple where the husband/boyfriend asks his wife to perform anal sex because of what he has become familiar with through years of exposure to pornography; this is a very real and increasing problem among straight couples).
"that such matters need to be considered respectfully and calmly to have a sensible, level-headed debate." HS quoting PJ.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree more http://gayambassador2.blogspot.com.au/
I am wondering why then, when I have requested, graciously, respectfully, not a debate but conversation/dialogue with Archbishop Jensen, Haydn Sennitt, David Peterson the offers have been rejected. The only person who was willing to do this was Ron Brookman from Living Waters. Surprisingly we both survived the encounter with no scars.
I have dialogue with other Christian leaders and denominations in Australia that have always been helpful and are ongoing. Like the meeting I was invited to at the beginning of the year to speak with 30 Pentecostal ministers. It was kept private and confidential for obvious reasons. Because I know that like gay and lesbian people need safe spaces so do Christian leaders need a safe space to talk about gay and lesbian issues. (no conversation about us without us)
My offer has never been withdrawn and still stands. An honest, respectful intelligent dialogue is on offer on the table....will you come? http://gayambassador.com/
You can contact me privately on anthony@gayambassador.com and I will......as always respond.
Ambassadors & Bridge Builders International (ABBI) is committed to overcoming the unnecessary suffering caused by ignorance and misinformation about sexual orientation and gender identity through the distribution of relevant information, providing education and creating dialogues.
PS...forgot to mention......Sy Rogers was also happy to meet up with me.
he has read my the article I wrote and I requested that he let me know if I had misrepresented him in any way and it seems I hadn't.