Bishop Gene Robinson is calling for calling upon homosexual and transgender persons to advocate for same-sex marriage in conversations with friends, co-workers and family members... to tell the personal stories...the ones church traditionalists don't to hear or have told. The stories that are real and full of pain, like those Christian gay and lesbians who suffered the pain of adversion therapy and shock therapy. He says to homosexual persons ...go to people who make “tolerant sounds” but “when they go into the voting booth, they cast a ballot against us. The campaign is about changing attitudes of conflicted Christians.

Jesus doesn't like personal stories... he only likes sheep...so I don't care what Robinson says about homosexual persons returning to their places of worship because they haven't left their spiritual needs and yearnings behind.
What a shame Justice Kirby has retired. He could sentence to life in prison those who spread hatred, lies and homophobia in the Diocese of Gippsland.